Portfolio Categories: Still Morris

Projects carried out for the musician Still Morris, throughout his artistic career.

We have accompanied this artist in his career, defining his image through the different stages, reflecting in every moment the particularity of his work and musical style, living his process and evolution in order to create pieces that reflect and enhance his personality as a musician.

Making several projects and complete design of folders for their record projects, posters for their concerts, website, design of the tickets and images for the development of merchandising products.

Art direction and vinyl cover design

Capturing Musical Essence Art Direction and vinyl sleeve design for the musician Still Morris. [cl_column width="2/3"][cl_column width="1/3" col_sticky="1"] Art direction and graphic design for the folder and inner sleeve for music vinyl. Dive into Still Morris’ musical authenticity through our sixth collaborative project. We crafted the vinyl sleeve with a vision to reflect the pure essence of his art, stripping away embellishments. Every detail, from Demián Ortiz’s captivating photograph to incorporating Still Morris’ personal lyrics in the titles, is woven to convey his unique identity. A visual journey that transcends mere design, highlighting the intrinsic connection between music and its presentation. For art directors and design agencies seeking to elevate the visual narrative of their projects, our collaboration with Still Morris is a testament to how design can enhance both the auditory and visual experience. Discover how we turn creative challenges into visual triumphs, leaving a lasting impression on every project we undertake. Infuse authenticity into your next venture with [...]
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Album cover design

On this project we have carried out the tasks of art direction, cover and back cover design, layout of the booklet and creation of logo, for the new album of the musician Still Morris.

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